The CTP has an exceptional documentary base and a unique capital of scientific, technical and economic knowledge acquired during several decades of research and industrial successes. The dissemination of this knowledge is carried out by direct technological transfer to industrialists but also by the publication of articles; communications in congresses; active presence in scientific associations and networks and the organization of seminars and scientific meetings.
Beyond the simple bibliographic review, CTP experts continuously monitor work and create value through analysis, criticism and synthesis of source documents. They thus feed the State of the Art on Technologies and Themes of our industrial sectors through:
- A large panel of documentary resources:
- Internal CTP Databases (articles, conference papers, standards, technical notes, etc.)
- External databases
- Grenoble Alpes Ressources University Catalog (digital prints, databases, journals, books, theses, ...)
- National SUDOC Catalog
- Leading specialists in their field thanks to an active presence in the most influential scientific associations and networks (ATIP, etc.)
In addition, a CTP Information and Documentation Professional can help you select and identify the most relevant sources for your fields.
The « Anselme PAYEN » is the grouping of documentary collections from the Center Technique du Papier and the Grenoble-INP Pagora School, in the following fields: paper chemistry, paper process engineering, physics of fibrous structures, processing industries and printing paper and cardboard, biomaterials derived from plant biomass.
The BELUGA ( Tool thus provides you with all the references and documents, specialized periodicals, books, theses, open archives
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