As strong as a tree

The years go by, but no two are ever the same. Each brings its share of unexpected events, and storms to weather. Nature always finds a way to make the best of these difficulties - and this inspires the CTP. In economically tense times, with resources often in short supply, our teams pull together to invent new processes, deploy new pilots, and create high-performance cellulose materials.

Drawing on its expertise and its operating capabilities, the CTP achieves meaningful outcomes that drive industrial innovation and help to build a sustainable economy.

The Green Deal commits us to making Europe climate-neutral by 2050. It is a call to improve people’s quality of life by developing alternative solutions, stepping up controls on chemicals, and promoting the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse, and recycle. The CTP’s experts share their unrivalled knowledge of constantly shifting regulations and fast-developing technologies with companies who seek their support to achieve this ambitious, inspiring goal.

The green transition – a key challenge for today’s society – is nothing new for the CTP. Part of our core identity and enshrined in our “constitution”, it has guided all our actions since the 1990s! We are proud of who we are, what we are doing, and the road we have travelled.

Gilles Lénon & Pierre Bonnet

2024 is a pivotal year for the CTP as it marks the start of a new Goals and Performance Contract (2024-2027), building on the momentum from the previous one (2019-2023). To meet the challenges of this new roadmap, we are joining forces with our partners - research centres, laboratories, and companies from the pulp, paper and board sector and the packaging markets, sharing our different perspectives and working as a team to see further into the future.

Behind our fine tree lies a forest with a rich diversity of species, their roots intertwining to form a powerful network. The appeal of our sector, its specialisms and its innovations is nurtured by this invisible world, dedicated entirely to researching and developing materials with the most promising properties.

This annual report looks back on the CTP’s many successful undertakings, at various levels of maturity, and shines a spotlight on all the skills our teams are applying to turn ideas into real industrial applications.