Consultancy Diagnosis

Checking the quality of recovered paper

Monitor®: the probe that instantly quantifies moisture and impurity contents

  • Checking the quality of your bales of recovered paper and board
  • Analysing the composition of recovered paper bales on receipt
  • Checking the conformity of grades with your specifications and/or standard EN 643
  • Quantifying moisture and impurity contents (plastics, etc.)
  • Using near infrared technology to inspect your bales from the inside

Generate Value...

  • Quickly quantify the moisture and impurity contents inside bales of recovered paper to ensure the quality of your raw materials.
  • Check the material on receipt: accept or refuse deliveries before they are unloaded or used and guarantee their conformity.
  • Save time: quantify moisture and impurity contents in less than five minutes.
  • Guarantee supplies: carry out systematic inspections to consolidate your list of suppliers.
  • Save money: only pay for cellulosic fibre.
  • Reducing the moisture content in recovered paper and board bales by 1% at a site producing 200,000 t/year, i.e. 2000 tonnes of water, is equivalent to saving tens of thousands of euros.

Sites already equipped with Monitor® have enjoyed a return on investment within 3-6 months. Don’t wait any longer! Call the CTP for a site test and you will be convinced by the performance of Monitor®!

Monitor® : contrôle immédiat avant déchargement du camion

Monitor® : instant check even before the truck is unloaded

Context and performance

The CTP’s team visits your site with a portable version of Monitor® and a perforator adapted to make holes in recovered paper bales. The measuring head is then introduced into each hole to provide an instant near infrared spectroscope reading of the:

  • moisture content,
  • impurity content,
  • mineral filler content,
  • lignin content

At the same time, standard laboratory procedures are applied to measure the same characteristics.
By comparing the instant Monitor® measurements with the much longer and more complex laboratory measurements, it is possible to:

  • study the variability of your raw material,
  • estimate the potential economic savings that can be made with this type of inspection.
Un écran de contrôle simple et lisible qui affiche les résultats en quelques secondes

A simple, easy-to-read monitor screen that displays results in a few seconds

Content of services

Several bales are tested per day, depending on their density. A relevant statistical study requires 3-4 full days’ presence on site.
On request, we can demonstrate how the machine is used and make a technical presentation of the principle behind it.

Monitor® portable : un outil très performant

Portable Monitor®: a high-performance device


The CTP provides a complete study report giving:

  • the results obtained (moisture content, impurity content, etc.) per batch, supplier or type of raw material,
  • a technical description of the Monitor® probe,
  • conclusions with regard to the potential benefits and return on investment (subject to having access to certain economic data concerning the site),
  • the contact details for our subsidiary TechPap, which markets the device, should you wish to purchase one.

Also to be seen