Consultancy Diagnosis

Coating and calendering of paper and board

Surface treatments to improve performance

  • Helping companies, converters and users to develop innovative papers and boards
  • Developing new recyclable materials for the packaging, printing and specialty markets
  • Performing tests and producing proofs of concept
  • Helping companies implement coating and calendering solutions
  • Helping companies understand and solve problems

Generate Value...

Papers and boards often require a surface treatment to give them the expected functionality, whether barrier properties for packaging (food or other), improved printability of papers for printing and writing, or specific performance levels for specialty papers, such as anti-skip properties for inter-layer sheets.
In all cases, knowledge of the product requirements and an evaluation of performance levels are vital in order to ensure that the existing packaging and/or material complies with the technical specifications and to develop new materials fullfilling the market needs.
The CTP helps companies develop coated papers and boards with improved functionality and at optimised cost thanks to its knowledge of markets and players, its expertise, its laboratory and pilot facilities and the associated measuring equipment.


The CTP’s pilot calender

Context and performance

The CTP proposes a range of services to implement coating and calendering processes. These are conventional paper and board surface treatment processes that can be used to adjust performance factors such as printability for printing purposes or barrier properties for packaging applications. The CTP offers the possibility of producing prototype materials, characterising them and converting them into finished products.


Using coated papers and boards for food packaging

Content of services

The CTP provides coating and calendering trial services.
Coating can be carried out in the laboratory on sheets or objects or at pilot scale on rolls. Our expertise covers the preparation and characterisation of formulations/dispersion/emulsions, the selection and implementation of coating processes, and the drying strategy that will develop the best possible performance levels.
Calendering can be performed on sheets in the laboratory or on flat reels in industrial conditions. Our expertise includes implementing the process so as to achieve the best trade-off between improving the surface properties of the material and reducing its mechanical properties.
The CTP’s experts also help companies perform comparative evaluations of solutions that are available on the market, transfer these solutions to their production lines, and select partners to pursue these developments at industrial scale.


Revelation of defects in the biopolymer coating of a board


The CTP provides prototype coated papers and boards adapted to its clients’ needs, reports on the conditions in which they were produced and their characteristics, but also audit and recommendation reports on industrial lines or on the choice of products. 

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Centre of Excellence