Events / Exhibitions


Published on : 05/30/2023
A sensory analysis panel is a key element for checking the food contact compliance of paperboards. To keep our panellists motivated, nothing better than a workshop. And for May, flowers or insects, everything can be eaten! On condition of sometimes overcoming certain reservations… 

The Sensory Analysis Laboratory of the Centre Technique du Papier verifies the organoleptic inertness of materials and packaging made of paper and paperboard by relying on the evaluations of our specialized, qualified and regularly trained panels. About 20 volunteer employees assess the odour of paperboard packaging and check that they do not transmit any off-flavour to the food. Workshops are organized several times a year. The occasion for panellists to exercise their taste and smell while living a convivial moment. A nice way to thank them for their long-term investment!

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