Key Figures

Turnover and collective contribution

Turnover CTP - 10,6 M€

Our 2023 turnover remained stable in spite of a challenging economic context for the pulp, paper and board industry, and amid a significant drop in collective funding (the collective contribution fell 26.8% compared with 2022). After strong demand for cellulose products in 2022, the economic situation deteriorated and order books declined at production plants. In spite of this, the CTP launched a high-quality investment plan to underpin its activity, and supported its employees in the face of high inflation. Our efforts in the last few years to build the skills of new employees by tapping into the vast expertise of their longest-standing colleagues are also bearing fruit, enabling the CTP to enhance its performance and remain aligned with its budget for 2024.


Turnover CTP - 2024


123 Employees - 2024

1. On 30 April 2024