Consultancy Diagnosis

Making the most of recycling processes

Optimise your recycling chains and test new raw materials

  • Improving the elimination of unwanted materials (treatment, screening, etc.)
  • Developing the mechanical characteristics of your pulps
  • Testing new technological solutions before investing
  • Checking the compatibility of your recycling chain with your raw materials
  • Testing new raw materials

Generate Value...

The dual nature of recycling – which contributes to both the economy and waste management – supposes that recycling processes must work well. Regulations requiring that waste should be reused, primarily through recycling, call for large-scale treatment and recycling facilities to be created and available in order to ensure that the systems introduced are permanent and safe.

The CTP’s “Recycled Fibres” pilot, which is a genuine research and production facility, can simulate all types of recycling chain:

  • A new raw material? Having its paper-making potential and recyclability checked can avoid some nasty surprises!
  • A new investment? Having your choice validated at semi-industrial scale by testing its performance in real conditions will guarantee a return on investment!
  • Hesitating over new technological solutions? Finding the most efficient chain that is most suited to the product you want to manufacture is a chance to become more competitive!
  • Is your output too low or your pulp not clean enough? Testing new operating conditions to boost your process means getting the most out of your equipment. 
Une  valorisation  matière  par  recyclage  à  l’échelle  semi- industrielle sur installation pilote

Recovering matter through recycling at semi-industrial scale on the CTP’s pilot installation

Context and performance

The CTP makes its “Recycled Fibres” pilot installation available in order to:

  • optimise your existing process by determining the best conditions for making the most of the raw material you use and the pulp you make, depending on the products to be made on the paper machine;
  • test new technological solutions (micro-screening, flotation, scrubbing, etc.) to develop the mechanical and/or optical characteristics of the pulps produced.

Tests can be performed at the CTP or directly on your production site using modular elements of the pilot that can be installed in parallel on your own production chain.

Des  chaînes  de  recyclage  simple  à  complexe  à  simuler  sur  l’installation pilote

Simple to complex recycling chains to be simulated on the pilot installation

Content of services

The study includes:

  • an assessment of the existing chain, identifying areas over the entire process where there is a loss of mechanical characteristics and low efficiency,
  • a proposal for optimising the existing chain, to be validated on the recycled fibre pilot installation,
  • a proposal for improving the chain by testing innovative new technologies (tests at the CTP or on site).
Des matières premières à tester

Raw materials for testing


The CTP provides a study report:

  • containing an assessment of the existing chain with its strengths and weaknesses,
  • proposing ways to optimise or change current operating parameters,
  • demonstrating that new technological solutions will have a positive effect in terms of treatment efficiency, the development of mechanical characteristics, output, etc.

Optimise, modernise and invest: the CTP can help you!

Also to be seen