Consultancy Diagnosis

Recyclability of paper and board packaging

Compliance with the requirements of the “Packaging and Packaging Waste” directive

  • Verifying compliance of the packaging with the European Directive relating to packaging and packaging waste (in reference to the European standard 13430)
  • Identifying the components that may be problematic for recycling
  • Proposing solutions to target better recovery via materials recycling channels

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All marketed packaging (defined by the European Directive 2013/2/EU) must comply with the essential requirements of the Packaging Directive 2018/852/EU modifying the Directive 94/62/EC and have its own certificate of compliance.

If your product is packaging, are you sure that it is compliant with these Directives?

The CTP will verify the recyclability of your packaging and issue you with a recyclability report where appropriate. This report highlights the characteristics of your packaging. It is an essential component of proof of compliance if the authorities carry out a check.

If you do not comply with these obligations, you may incur fines of up to several thousand euros.

Une  valorisation  matière  par  recyclage  à  l’échelle  semi- industrielle sur installation pilote

Recovery by material recycling on the CTP semi-industrial pilot plant

Context and implementation

The certificate of compliance issued for each packaging when it is placed on the market is based on verification of the Essential Requirements of the Packaging Directive:

  • Requirements relating to prevention: minimisation of the weight and volume for the same level of functionality, verification of heavy metal content in compari-son with the maximum authorised levels, verification of hazardous substance content.
  • Recovery requirements ranked by the European Directive 2018/851/EU amending the Directive 2008/98/EC
    • materials recovery (recycling)
    • organic matter recovery (composting)
    • energy recovery (incineration).

Verification of packaging recyclability takes into ac-count two criteria, as described in the standard EN 13430:

  • The packaging must be composed of a minimum of 50% paper and board material.
  • It must be possible to recycle the packaging via conventional channels.

This verification can be carried out at the laboratory scale for preliminary tests and at a semi-industrial scale (pilot facility) for final validation.

Détermination de la composition des emballages

Determination of the packaging composition

Description of the services

  • Analysis of the composition.
  • Suitability for disintegration in a pulper.
  • Suitability for screening and the resulting screening rejects
  • Suitability for heavyweight cleaning (if necessaty)
  • Manufacturing of a handsheet for verification of the final paper appearance


The CTP produces a study report specifying:

  • Suitability for recycling via a simple recycling process (pulper + screen + cleaning).
  • Recommendations for improving the recovery process (within the limits of possibility) via recycling.

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