Services offered by the CTP


The laboratories of the Centre Technique du Papier are at your service for all your tests, analyses diagnosis and services.

Whatever your "market" orientation, the experts meet your needs in the field of physical, chemical and microbiological tests, fibre characterisation, sensory analysis, food contact, etc.

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The CTP's experts are at your service to optimise your processes, improve the quality of your products, solve acute or chronic problems and to advise you effectively in your new investments.

Independent, high-level advice and expertise, in close collaboration with internationally recognised research teams, is available in all CTP's areas of expertise...

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The expert trainings sessions and seminars organised by the CTP are provided by our scientists. They combine industrial experience with knowledge from Research and Innovation. Our skills are enriched by our partnerships with other Industrial Technical Centres, Training Institutes and expert networks.

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The CTP's experts are at your service to optimise your processes, improve the quality of your products, solve problems and to advise you effectively in your new investments.


Are you an operator or a quality, environmental and energy process manager? Join us! What is our goal? To keep you informed of scientific advances in the fields of water and energy management and to enable you to benefit from the experience of other energy managers or treatment plants in the paper and cardboard inter-sector.

Discover the STEP club


Members of the AFNOR, ISO, CEN standardisation committees, our experts are developing today in our laboratories the analytical innovations to prepare the standardised methods of tomorrow.