The CTP, setting the stage for Innovation
Following the reform of its funding mechanism, the CTP took advantage to clarify and adapt its way of operating to the new context, with a constant concern to increase its in-house efficiency and enhance its attractiveness for the industry.
The Collective Research Programme (PRC)
The Collective Research Programme replaces the former General Research Programme (PGR). It comprises collective research projects financed jointly by the French papermaking profession and associated industrial contracts. Anticipating societal, regulatory and economic evolutions, providing solutions, improving skills – thanks to the PRC, the entire pulp, paper and board sector benefits from technological spin-off and new types of expertise.
The Industrial Challenges and Innovation Committee (CE2I)
Several times a year, this new committee brings together industrial companies and the CTP. It was created with the aim of analysing current trends, measuring their impacts on the profession and steering the resultant research initiatives. In addition to its contribution to formulating new projects, its conclusions have helped define the CTP’s 2020-2023 Goals and Performance Contract and this year the new one for 2024-2027... and technologies roadmaps.
Roadmaps and action plans
Recognition of the CTP’s excellence is also based on its ability to consolidate a portfolio of projects focused on technological
and industrial objectives that creates economic, environmental and social value. This combined scientific and technological focus forms the basis of innovation in our roadmaps. With inputs from the CE2I, each roadmap is included in the CTP’s 2024-2027 Goals and Performance Contract and will be accompanied by an action plan to be revised each year.
Intellectual property policy
The CTP’s intellectual property policy was harmonised since 2019, and the rights of its member and contract-partner industries to access its results were clarified. In addition to guaranteeing the attractiveness and visibility of the CTP’s work through active management of its patent portfolio, this policy ensures that project results can be exploited industrially by all those providing funding.
E.g. New packaging technologies have been patented, bringing the number of patents currently in the portfolio to nearly thirty.
Collaborative Projects
Collaborative Projects, in which each party performs its own share of the work, are supported by independent funds, such as European’s structures. They enable the CTP and its industrial partners to benefit from new resources, results and improve appropriation of the resultant technology. Several Collaborative Projects are launched each year. Today they represent about 50% of the CTP’s project portfolio.
The 2024-2027 COP
The Goals and Performance Contract (COP) provides the framework for collaboration between the State, the profession represented by Copacel and the Centre Technique du Papier for a period of four years (2024-2027). As major industrial stakes are involved, the COP 2024-2027 is monitored each year via performance indicators.It focuses on four major challenges to "From GOOD to TOP":
Challenge 1 | Improve the carbon cycle: Decarbonize and Recycle
Challenge 2 | Preserve future generations: Guide and Protect
Challenge 3 | Foster industrial renewal: Demonstrate and Industrialize
Challenge 4 | Make CTP a contributing company: Mobilize and Motivate