The Laboratory Truck
Mobile laboratory for operations on industrial sites
- Operate on industrial sites with high-performance technical equipment suitable for water analyses
- Collect, measure, condition and analyse samples in minimal time
- Perform physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological assessments of water circuits and wastewater treatment plants.
General informations
Using the laboratory truck, the CTP is able to transport its analysis equipment to all industrial sites and operate it in total autonomy, connecting it to the plant’s electricity, water supply and wastewater networks when necessary.
On-site studies in the following fields are some of the functions this facility can perform:
- Operational assessment of wastewater treatment plants
- Assessment of water management (utilities and circuit loops)
- Microbiological assessment of papermaking circuits
- Specific studies

The mobile laboratory arose from the need to find a solution to papermakers’ environmental requirements.
It was designed based on the experience the CTP had acquired in providing on-site advice and expertise over more than 30 years.

The laboratory truck is equipped with the following apparatus (non-exhaustive list):
- Filtration manifolds for measurement of suspended solids
- Spectrophotometer for ionic measurements in micro-methods
- Conventional and microbiological oven
- Scales
- Probes for measurement of physical and chemical properties (conductivity, pH, redox, dissolved O2, suspended solids)
- Flow meters (ultrasound, bubble)
- Automatic samplers
- Equipment for specific measurements (starch, ATP, etc.).
Also to be seen
Consultancy Diagnosis
Centre of Excellence
Testing Laboratory