#CTP #FoodContact #TechnicalAssistance #Compliance
Need help writing a declaration of compliance? The CTP is there for you of course!
The CTP has developed the only test adapted to industrial reality...! Let’s come and discover!
#Voeux2023 #NewYear #CTP #Innovation
Goodbye 2022... and Hello 2023!... Time passes at a crazy speed and here we are already at the twilight of 2022 and the dawn of 2023...
#Plus belle la Fibre | EPISODE 07 | Materials Performances
Whenever paper is used, there is a purpose for which it is intended and a level of performance expected
#CTP #Innovation #ComitéDesProgrammes #Futur
The industrialists of the sector met at the CTP for the Programmes Committee. A great day of work to co-construct tomorrow's projects and the future of all!
#CTP #FoodContact #RegulatorySurveillance
#CTP #FoodContact #RegulatorySurveillance
Regulartory surveillance & Food contact
Cultivating Innovation
NEW ! the new CTP Annual Report 2021-2022 is available on line !
Come to discover the fabulous innovative projects of the past year... and the teams that made it possible !
#CTP #FoodContact #BPF #PapiersCartons
Join the free webinar organised by the CTP on 7 June 2022 at 10:30 (french only)