Research & Innovation Projects (PRC)

Fibre +

Controlled oxidation of conventional paper pulps to develop a reinforcing pulp.

  • Study the suitability of paper pulps for oxidation at medium concentration
    • Use of unbleached and bleached hardwood and softwood kraft pulps
    • Use of recycled pulps
  • Determine the impact of these reinforcing pulps on mechanical properties
    • Study for various grades of paper/cardboard.
    • Evaluation of the impact of the initial drying of the reinforcing pulp on the maintenance of gains in mechanical properties.
  • Define operating strategies: development of a special pulp or an additive
    • Assessment of the technical and economic benefits of the reinforcement paste
    • Assessment of the environmental impact of this new paste, particularly in terms of recyclability


CTP’s project Fibre + 

Start: 2024    

Duration: 3 year  

TRL 5-7
