Microbiological Analysis Laboratory
Health, food contact compliance and safety of paper/board products
- Measure microbiological contamination of paper/board products
- Evaluate the microbiological quality of materials
- Check the fungus resistance of materials
- Guarantee the microbiological safety of a packaging intended for food contact
General informations
Drawing on its industrial experience and the knowledge it has acquired through R&D, the CTP’s Microbiology Laboratory proposes a range of qua-lity tests applicable to paper/board-based products such as raw materials prior to converting, finished products, or packaging intended for food contact.
Our testing services will:
- Detect and count indicator microorganisms, food-borne pathogens and spoilage organisms such as yeasts and moulds
- Check the absence of antimicrobial constituent transfer to guarantee food contact compliance
- Evaluate fungus resistance
The tests are performed in accordance with the requirements of current regulations and standards (AFNOR, ISO, CEN).

Preparation of paper samples
Microbiological control of paper/board-based pro-ducts is an essential aspect of safety and an indica-tor of quality.
We assist our clients in a variety of areas including fungus resistance of materials, investigation of an-timicrobial activity and evaluation of residual biolo-gical contamination.
The CTP’s Microbiology Laboratory works for paper/board producers, converters and users, on the basis of methods drawn from specific standards applicable to paper/board materials and food microbiology or its own in-house methods.
The tests are subject to Quality Assurance proce-dures guaranteeing the traceability of samples from their receipt until the test results are obtained.

Passaging of microbial colonies
Premises and equipment compliant with the NF ISO 7218 standard:
- Autoclave
- Polytron® disintegrator
- Stomacher circulator
- Class 2 microbiological safety cabinet
- Bacteriological incubators
- Phase-contrast microscope
- Bacterial and fungal culture collections

Observation of a microbial mat surronding the sample
Accredited for testing
The laboratory holds COFRAC accreditation no. 1-0552 as per the ISO 17025 standard (scope of ac-creditation available at www.cofrac.fr).