Consultancy Diagnosis

Functional printing

Adding new properties to paper through printing

  • Provide technical support for solutions involving barrier properties, sealability, transparency, etc.
  • Benchmark the most suitable varnishes to the specifications and the process
  • Produce prototypes on the CTP pilots and characterise them
  • Transfer industrially and provide support to the end customer

Generate Value...

Functional printing is a mean of diversification for paper and board manufacturers and printers/converters. Printing units are no longer used to apply colour, but to add functionality to the substrate. All processes are possible: screen, flexo, gravure, inkjet and offset. This opens up a whole range of possibilities for developing recyclable monomaterial solutions. Different functions can be provided by printing, such as :

  • Sealability, i.e. heat-sealability
  • Barrier properties (to oil, water, waper vapour, etc.)
  • Transparency
  • Rigidity
  • Protection against scratching or rubbing
  • Opacity

journaux Printed heat sealing (EBliss Project)

Context and performance

Are you a paper manufacturer, a print media manufacturer, a printer-converter or a client who wants to develop a new function using functional printing ?
The CTP can determine and implement a programme for evaluating technical solutions to meet the specifications adapted to the customer’s process.

cartonPrinted Stiffness

Content of services

The CTP assesses the request and proposes the assessment programme and the resources to be used to achieve the required functionalities :

    • Selection of the printing equipment and printing conditions to be used (settings)
    • Selection of functional products based on the CTP’s knowledge and materials watch
    • Laboratory prototyping using the CTP’s pilot tools: offset, flexo, gravure, screen printing, inkjet (see pilot sheets)
    • Characterisation of desired properties
    • Industrialisation support (contact with suppliers, industrial transfer with press trials, customer support)


  • Literature review of potential products
  • Samples printed in the laboratory and their associated characterisations
  • Report on production conditions and recommendations
  • On-site industrial test assistance

Also to be seen